Elizabeth Baldwin
The Oxford Economics Department has a large and vibrant group of economists working in diverse areas of microeconomic theory, including game theory, decision theory, behavioral economics, information economics and contract theory, action theory, general equilibrium, and network economics.
There are two seminar series especially relevant to microeconomists: the Nuffield Economic Theory seminars (Friday afternoon) and the Economic Theory Workshop (Tuesday lunchtime in even-numbered weeks of term). In addition, there is a Student Research Workshop where graduate students present their work.
Featured Publications
Vatsal Khandelwal
Vatsal Khandelwal
Associate Member Department of Economics, Junior Research Fellow
Merton College
Natalie Naïri Quinn
Natalie Naïri Quinn
Departmental Lecturer and Tutorial Fellow in Economics
Lady Margaret Hall
Benjamin Tereick
Benjamin Tereick
Associate Member Department of Economics, Postdoctoral Researcher in Economics
Global Priorities Institute